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Diagnosis, optimization and comprehensive evaluation of thermodynamic equipment and systems


Main research content:

1thermal system monitoring, diagnosis, state evaluation and decision-making;

2、the reliability and safety of thermal equipment;

3、 thermodynamic system simulation and optimization control;

4、thermal system technology, economic and environmental comprehensive evaluation.

This direction carries out basic and technical development research on the diagnosis, optimization and comprehensive evaluation of thermal systems. Research on thermal system performance monitoring, diagnosis, optimization and state evaluation and decision-making methods, such as gas-solid two-phase flow and multi-phase combustion process real-time monitoring, system performance online monitoring and fault diagnosis, target and deviation analysis, performance simulation; thermal equipment safety Numerical simulation, reliability model, life evaluation and damage analysis; simulation and optimization of dynamic characteristics of thermal control system, failure mechanism research and failure behavior simulation, optimization control model and strategy research; exergy analysis and technology, economy and environment of thermal system Comprehensive evaluation.

Contact us

Address: State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, 1037 Luoyu Road Wuhan 430074, P.R. China

Tel: +86-27-87542417



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